I went to three banks and was turned down by all of them. I began researching alternative financing strategies and that is when I found factoring.
R. Dunhower, CFO, IT Company
My bank called my loan. Luckily for me, my accountant new about a great option – factoring. Within two weeks, the bank was out, the factor was in and my cash flow and profitability started coming back.
D. Robinson, CEO, Products Manufacturer
I thought my customers were going to pay in 30 days. It turns out they are paying me in 60. Factoring is my salvation. Now I am getting the cash I need within 2 days after creating an invoice.
B. Sloan, President, Distribution Company
Customers were paying me in 35 days. I needed cash immediately. Factoring was the answer. By factoring my receivables, I was able to generate cash flow to continue growing.
M. Perdue, CEO, Staffing Company